OpenCC(Open Chinese Convert)
opencc-python是用纯Python所写的OpenCC实现。需要注意的是使用pip安装时正确的命令是pip install opencc-python-reimplemented,如果使用pip install opencc-python会出现如下错误:
Complete output from command python setup.py egg_info:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
File "C:\Users\qw\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-install-rvsnpo_d\opencc-python\setup.py", line 1, in
from distribute_setup import use_setuptools
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'distribute_setup'
from opencc import OpenCC cc = OpenCC('t2s') # hk2s: Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong standard) to Simplified Chinese # s2hk: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong standard) # s2t: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese # s2tw: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard) # s2twp: Simplified Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard, with phrases) # t2hk: Traditional Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Hong Kong standard) # t2s: Traditional Chinese to Simplified Chinese # t2tw: Traditional Chinese to Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard) # tw2s: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard) to Simplified Chinese # tw2sp: Traditional Chinese (Taiwan standard) to Simplified Chinese (with phrases) to_convert = '開放中文轉換(Pure Python)' converted = cc.convert(to_convert) print(converted)