There are two kinds of Telerik Reporting versions - major and minor. Major versions such as Q3 2013, Q1 2014, etc. can coexist simultaneously on the same machine. Minor versions are also known as Service Packs. There can be only a single major or minor version from the same Q installed on the machine, i.e. if you have version Q1 2014 already installed and a Service Pack is released (let's say Q1 2014 SP1), when you install it the installer will uninstall Q1 2014 for you.
Telerik Reporting 分主要、次要两种类型的版本。
主要版本的版本号通常命名为Q3 2013, Q1 2014,各个版本可以共存在同一台机器上。
次要版本的版本好通常命名为Q1 2014 SP1 ,要安装次要版本时必须卸载(会自动卸载)相同的主板本号的文件。
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