php 可以像java perl python 那样运行,今天发现如果我早早知道这个,或许我不会去学习java 和 python
当年学java不过为了一个程序放在服务器上,不停的跑啊跑,原来 php 也可以。
php -h Usage: php [options] [-f][--] [args...] php [options] -r [--] [args...] php [options] [-B
] -R [-E
] [--] [args...] php [options] [-B ] -F [-E ] [--] [args...] php [options] -S : [-t docroot] [router] php [options] -- [args...] php [options] -a -a Run as interactive shell -c | Look for php.ini file in this directory -n No configuration (ini) files will be used -d foo[=bar] Define INI entry foo with value 'bar' -e Generate extended information for debugger/profiler -f Parse and execute . -h This help -i PHP information -l Syntax check only (lint) -m Show compiled in modules -r Run PHP
without using script tags ..?> -B
Run PHP before processing input lines -R Run PHP
for every input line -F
Parse and execute for every input line -E Run PHP after processing all input lines -H Hide any passed arguments from external tools. -S : Run with built-in web server. -t Specify document root for built-in web server. -s Output HTML syntax highlighted source. -v Version number -w Output source with stripped comments and whitespace. -z Load Zend extension . args... Arguments passed to script. Use -- args when first argument starts with - or script is read from stdin --ini Show configuration file names --rf Show information about function . --rc Show information about class . --re Show information about extension . --rz Show information about Zend extension . --ri Show configuration for extension .
1.用php命令行的方式执行php脚本,例如/usr/bin/php test.php
缩写 php test.php
2.脚本开头第一行写上#!/usr/bin/php,然后可以把脚本设为可执行 chmod a+x test.php,之后就可以用命令行的方式直接执行脚本了,例如./test.php
3. 外部传入参数
#!/usr/bin/php ./test.php int(1) array(1) { [0]=> string(10) "./test.php" } ./test.php a java php int(4) array(4) { [0]=> string(10) "./test.php" [1]=> string(1) "a" [2]=> string(4) "java" [3]=> string(3) "php" }