""" 1.三级菜单 注册 登陆 注销 2.进入每一个一级菜单,都会有下一级的菜单 """ user_item = dict() try: while True: print('-------Welcome sir-------') input_choice = int(input('Please enter your choice:1:Registration 2:login 3:logout:')) # 用户输入自己的选择,会进入到相关的二级菜单 if input_choice == 1: # if input_choice==1 进入注册 user = input('Please enter your account number:') pwd = input('please enter your password:') # 保存用户注册的账号 user_item['user'] = user user_item['pwd'] = pwd # 提示用户注册成功 print('您的账号已生效,下次请用该账号:{}登陆本系统'.format(user)) # if input_choice==2 进入登陆 elif input_choice == 2: login_user = input('Please enter your login account number:') login_pwd = input('please enter your login password:') # 对用户输入的账号和密码进行确认 if login_user == user_item['user'] and login_pwd == user_item['pwd']: print('Welcome sir:{}'.format(login_user)) else: print('Sorry, your account or password is incorrect. Please confirm and come back') # if input_choice == 3 进入注销 elif input_choice == 3: logout_input = input('Do you really want to quit this system?,y or n') if logout_input == 'y': break elif logout_input == 'n': input_choice = int(input('Please enter your choice:1:Registration 2:login 3:logout:')) else: print('Your input is incorrect') except Exception as re: print(re) finally: print('')