@Override public ListfindPage(int page, int length, Map pram) { List result = null; try { //初始化hql,this.entityClazz.getSimpleName()是泛型的真实类名,在构造函数中获取 String hql = "from " + this.entityClazz.getSimpleName() + " where 1=1 and "; //注意空格 Session session = this.sesionFactory.openSession(); //获取连接 if(!pram.isEmpty()) //判断有无条件 { Iterator it = pram.keySet().iterator(); //迭代map while(it.hasNext()) { String key = it.next(); //获取条件map中的key,即条件字段 hql = hql + key + " like " + "'%" + pram.get(key) + "%'" + " and "; //将字段和模糊值拼接成hql } } hql += " 2=2"; //在hql末尾加上 2=2,方便hql再次拼接 System.out.println(hql); Query query = session.createQuery(hql); query.setFirstResult((page - 1) * length); //设置分页页码 query.setMaxResults(length); //设置每页数据长度 result = query.list(); //返回结果集 } catch (RuntimeException re) { throw re; } return result; }